The objective of oil and gas, upstream, E&P wells-projects is to maximize the project's ROI by safely achieving optimum production recovery and preventing unplanned events or extra costs. As history has proven all operators have and are constantly seeking methods to prevent Trouble (outsized cost overruns, steep Learning Curves, and/or the delayed onset or reduced rates of production).

As the goal of the Integrated Life Cycle Approach's (ILCA) is Design Out Trouble Where & Before It Beginssm, ILCA has been designed to attack the source of Trouble.

When questioned as to why wells-projects have Trouble, the project team members most often replied that there wasn't sufficient site-specific data on hand to prevent the Trouble. In reality the data shortage is historically due to not finding, not interpreting or getting outside analysis, and/or not using the existing or evolving data during the well's-project's Life Cycle.

On the other hand, if the data is available then why does Trouble occur? The most obvious part of the answer is that the Basis Of Design (BOD) isn't developed using all relevant Project's Life Cycle-based data. This negatively impacts the attendant procedures, operations, and production. The less obvious part of the answer is that due to the complexity of some E&P wells-projects there is a challenge to marshal all the financial, scheduling, and personnel aspects of an Integrated Project Team. Add the technical aspects, especially in areas that are not one's area of expertise, and the result is that data from the different project team disciplines is often overlooked and/or not integrated into a thoroughly vetted BOD.

To obtain a focused cross-discipline review during the final weeks of the development and vetting of the BOD, a Cross-Discipline Integration Analystsm (CDIAsm), works with the multi-disciplined project team. The CDIA provides an external and independent analysis (both quantitative and qualitative) of the technical data,technologies, and practices being used in the development of the project's BOD and the procedural outlines that cover the proposed the scope of work.

To provide the above described service, E&P Dimensions developed ILCA which consists of the necessary components to accomplish the goal of Designing Out Trouble Where & Before It Begins. The components are detailed on the two tabs displayed on this page: