Welcome to E&P

    = Trouble = NPT = Lessons Learned = Learning Curve

    Reduce Non Productive Time(NPT)  
    by minimizing the Learning Curve (LC)

    Minimize the LC by using correct Life Cycle data in the Basis Of Design

    Insure correct data used with Integrated Life Cycle Approach (ILCA) process

                                                     ILCA consists of five components:

  1. The Project Life Cycle                                                            (multi and cross discipline data integration)

  2. Learning Curve theory                                                            (confirms pre-drill data & repetition reduces NPT)

  3. eSeis’ patented 3D Pre-drill Mudlog                                      (15 different pre-drill rock property predictions)

  4. Integration Engineer                                                                (facilitates use of Pre-drill Mudlog by MDPT

  5. Predict, Compare, Recalibrate(PCR) Process                       (24/7, RT, remote calibration monitoring)